PT Gapura Angkasa in Signing the Cooperation Agreement and Protocol Service Contract Extension for Members of the People's Representative Council of the Republic of Indonesia

The signing of the Cooperation Agreement and Protocol Service Contract Extension for Members of the People's Representative Council of the Republic of Indonesia was carried out on Thursday 29 December, 2022 at the Menara Peninsula Hotel and was attended by the Secretary General of DPR, Ir. Indra Iskandar M.Si, Head of Protocol and Public Relations Bureau, Drs. Suratna M.Sc, PLT Deputy Trial, Ms. Suprihatini S.Ip, M.Si, also invited PT Garuda Indonesia, PT Blue Sky Group, Satya Ardhia Cooperative and Director of Commercial & Business Development of PT Gapura Angkasa Mr. Reza Aulia Hakim.

On the occasion, the Secretary General of DPR, Dr. Ir. Indra Iskandar M.Si previously expressed his gratitude for the presence of invited guests who attended this event, he expressed his gratitude especially to PT Gapura Angkasa which has provided Hospitality services both departure services, delivery to pick-up points, ticketing, baggage, lounges which have been implemented since 2018 in 40 airports with VIP Airport Assistant named JOUMPA.

Director of Commercial & Business Development, Mr. Reza Aulia Hakim revealed that it is an honor for us to be trusted to be able to provide protocol services at 40 airports throughout Indonesia, Gapura Angkasa is constantly improving and providing even better service performance so that it is expected to achieve Customer Satisfaction.

The series of events were carried out by signing The Cooperation Agreement and Protocol Service Contract Extension for Members of DPR continued with the exchange of souvenirs and closed with a friendly event.

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